Sunday, December 26, 2010

Boxing Day in Madurai


When reading some of the copious books I have read about India, I sort of found the concept of ‘brown outs’ – the electricity just going off – sort of quaint.  In reality, they’re a pain in the butt.  I was just uploading some stuff and entirely lost it.  Damn. 
Some reflections on being in Madurai:  it’s noisy, from really early in the morning.  Firs thing in the day the most incredibly strong speakers blare out music, could be movie music, doesn’t sound like Carnatic music much to me, based on what I’ve heard at Bharathanatyam concerts. Whatever it is it’s really loud.  Our hotel is in a compound quite removed from the main drag, but we still hear it.  I wonder how the people manage to get any sleep, I mean it’s really REALLY loud, and it’s everywhere too.
Today we had some R&R, didn’t do much, sat around the pool and read.  It was nice to relax.  At one stage we were sitting in the room reading  and I could feel someone’s eye’s on me, as you do.  There, looking in the window, was the ugly red wrinkly head of a humongous turkey!  The day after Christmas too, he was obviously feeling that he had braved the worst of it. He looked really funny, but as always happens in such situations I didn’t have the camera ready to snap him.
We are both quite excited about going to Delhi tomorrow, although we have heard that it’s going to be quite cold.  Being as we haven’t experienced a temperature lower than about 30 for six months, that is going to come as a shock.  I think we may have to buy some clothes too, but have read that you can get super cheap factory outlet stuff in Delhi so may buy and then leave for the poor, goodness knows there’s enough of them.

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